ANZA-SIDM_WebBanner 2022


Program times are in Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) and the program is subject to change.

Browse by day: Thursday, 28 April | Friday, 29 April

Thursday, 28 April 2022 AEST

Opening Remarks
Committee Welcome
Welcome to Country
9:10 am - 10:30 am Culture, Communication and Diagnosis
Chaired by: A/Prof Carmel Crock, Director, Emergency Department, The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
and Dr Maria Dahm, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Communication in Health Care, ANU
Indigenous Health and Diagnosis
Dr. Glenn Harrison, Royal Melbourne Hospital
Diagnostic Error in the Human Condition
Dr. Danielle Ofri, Attending Physician, Bellevue Hospital
Clinical Professor of Medicine, NYU School of Medicine
Editor-in-Chief, Bellevue Literary Review
The Social Life of Diagnosis
Prof. Annemarie Jutel, Associate Dean Academic, Students and Equity,
School of Health, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Culture, Communication and Diagnosis - A Patient's Perspective
Helen Haskell, Patient Advocate
10:30 am - 11:00 am BREAK
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Using Clinical Informatics to Improve Diagnosis
Chaired by: Dr Daniel Capurro, Senior Lecturer In Digital Health, Melbourne University
Harm Prevention in Partnership
Chaired by: Ursula Harrisson, Manager, Harm Prevention Programs, VMIA & A/Prof. Carmel Crock, Director, Emergency Department, The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
Embedding Machine Learning in Supporting Diagnostic Decisions
A/Prof. Farah Magrabi, Australian Institute of Health Innovation
How Insurers Can Work with Clinicians
Lachlan Crowe, Program Lead, Harm Prevention, VMIA
Can EMR-Enabled Computerised
Decision Aids Improve Diagnostic Reasoning?

Prof. Ian Scott, Consultant General Physician, Director of
Internal Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology,
Princess Alexandra Hospital Brisbane, Professor of Medicine,
University of Queensland
Harm Prevention in the Emergency Department
Prof. Peter Cameron, Monash University
Using Machine Learning Tools to Aid Diagnostic
Interpretation of ECGs in Routine Clinical Settings

Dr Shane Nanayakkara, Interventional and
Structural Cardiologist, Alfred Health
Perioperative Harm Prevention
Prof. David Watters, Deakin University And Barwon Health
Using Deep Learning Algorithm to Standardise
Glaucoma Detection at Real-World Optometry Clinics

Prof Mingguang He, Professor of Ophthalmic Epidemiology, University of Melbourne
Incentivising Better Patient Safety Programs
Cecile Carbonnel, Maternity Project Lead, VMIA
Live Q&A Panel Discussion
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm BREAK
1:30 pm - 2:15 pm Tips to Improve the Teaching of Diagnostic Reasoning
In this session, two of our ANZA-SIDM committee members will discuss the teaching strategies that they use with students and trainees to try to improve diagnosis. Professor Ian Scott and Associate Professor Julia Harrison are both clinician educators with a strong interest in patient safety and clinical reasoning. They have pooled their favourite teaching ideas and will present them chronologically; as they would arise when a patient presents to a healthcare provider.

This session will be of interest for clinicians of all sorts and at all stages of training, health professions educators, and anyone with an interest in how we prepare healthcare professionals to do diagnostic work. There will be time set aside for conference attendees to contribute to the discussion and ask questions of the speakers.
A/Prof. Julia Harrison, Deputy Head, Monash Medicine Course, Monash University
Prof. Ian Scott, Consultant General Physician, Director of Internal Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology,
Princess Alexandra Hospital Brisbane & Professor of Medicine, University of Queensland
2:20 pm - 3:10 pm Abstract Sessions
Culture and Process
Chaired by: Maureen Williams, Patient Advocate & Prof. Andrew Georgiou, Professor Of Diagnostic Informatics, Australian Institute Of Health Innovation
Clinical Conditions
Chaired by: Dr Stephen Priestley, Senior Specialist In Emergency Medicine, Sunshine Coast Hospital And Health Service & Prof. Ian Scott, Consultant General Physician, Director of Internal Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology, Princess Alexandra Hospital Brisbane & Professor of Medicine, University of Queensland
Chaired by: A/Prof. Deborah Leach, Director of Medical Student Programs, Eastern Health Clinical School & Prof. Michelle Leech, Deputy Dean Head Of Medical Course, Monash University
Communication Of Diagnostic Uncertainty In
Primary Care And Its Impact On Patient Experience – Preliminary Findings From An Integrative Review

Maria Dahm, Australian National University, Australia
Referrals And Diagnostic Accuracy In Orbital Cellulitis At RVEEH
Matthew Wilson, Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, Australia
Innovations In Teaching Clinical Diagnostic Reasoning In Medical School
Jon Lee, Monash University, Australia
Multi-Incident Analysis Of Serious Paediatric Clinical Incident Reviews Involving Diagnostic Errors In Queensland (2018-2019)
Sharon Anne McAuley, Queensland Health, Australia
Assessment And Optimisation Of Primary Aldosteronism Knowledge Transfer In Medical Education: A Modified Delphi Study
Jocelyn Widjaja, Monash University, Australia
Availability Bias And Its Implications For Diagnostic Reasoning And Medical Training: A Narrative Review
Jason Soon, Menzies Centre for Health Policy and Economics, Australia
On Creating A Diagnostic Safety Culture- One Department’s Experience
Carmel Crock, Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, Australia
Utility Of CT Head Imaging And Venography In Patients With Suspected Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
Ashlyn Field, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia
Accreditation Standards And Condition Monitoring Ensures Quality Of Training Of Prevocational Medical Trainees In Reducing Diagnostic Errors
Bruce Waxman, Accreditation, Australia
Removing Barriers: Stigma And Discrimination Intervention With Medical Students
Louise Owen, Statewide Sexual Health Service, Australia
Evaluating Artificial Intelligence Decision Support For Diabetic Retinopathy Grading: A Prospective Study Of Eye Health Professionals
Philip Rothschild, Centre for Eye Research Australia, Australia
Diagnostic Thinking And Nursing Education – All Hands On Deck To Improve Diagnosis
Elizabeth Crock, University of Melbourne, Australia
The Impact Of Medical Scribes On Emergency Physician Diagnostic Testing And Diagnosis Charting
Lucas Nelson, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, United States
Appropriate Use Of Transthoracic Echocardiography In The Investigation Of Syncope Or Presyncope
Peter Simos, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Australia
3:20 pm - 3:40 pm BREAK
3:40 pm - 4:55 pm ‘Stump the Chumps’ Case Presentation
In Stump the Chumps, a real clinical case is presented by the treating GP and patient. Two GP experts will try to “solve”
the case whilst explicitly describing their clinical reasoning processes.
Chaired by: Dr. Marisa Magiros, General Practitioner and Medical Educator, GP Synergy
Dr Snehal Patel, Bligh Park Family Practice. Dr Allison Miller, GP Synergy.
Dr John Vaughan, the Village Medical Practice.
4:55 pm - 5:00 pm Day 1 Closing Remarks

Friday, 29 April 2022 AEST

Welcome to Day 2
9:05 am - 10:30 am National & International Strategies to Improve Diagnosis
Chaired by: Dr John Bonning, Immediate Past President, Australasian College for Emergency Medicine,
Dr. Karen Cosby, Program Director, The Diagnostic Excellence Initiative, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Improving Diagnosis: A (Still!) Emerging Priority for Healthcare Safety, Quality, and Equity
Margie Shofer, Director, General Patient Safety Program, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Improving Diagnostic Safety, Quality, and Efficiency in Australia
Prof. Anne Duggan, Chief Medical Officer, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
Advancing Diagnosis Education – An International Priority
Dr. Mark L. Graber, Founder and President Emeritus, Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine
Professor Emeritus, Stony Brook University, New York
Improving the Use of Laboratory Investigations
A/Prof Ken Sikaris, Director of Chemical Pathology, Melbourne Pathology & Director of Clinical Support Systems, Sonic Healthcare
Live Q&A Panel Discussion
10:30 am - 11:00 am BREAK
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Disparities and Diversity in Diagnosis
Protracted Diagnostic Error: Life and Death in Limbo
Jen Morris, Patient Safety Advocate
Misdiagnosis in Women
A/Prof. Amanda Walker, Clinical Director, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
Mental Health and Diagnostic Disparities
Dr. Geoff Toogood, Cardiologist, & Founder, Crazysocks4docs
Homelessness and Diagnostic Challenges
Dr. Amanda Stafford, Ed Consultant And Clinical Lead, Homeless Team, Royal Perth Hospital
Live Q&A Panel Discussion
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm LUNCH
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Interactive Sessions
Coping After Error
Facilitated by: Prof. Jill Klein, Professorial Fellow in Medical Education, Melbourne Medical School
A/Prof Julia Harrison, School of Clinical Sciences, Monash Health
Analysing Communication: Explanation and Diagnosis in Interaction
Facilitated by: Dr. Mary Dahm, Research Fellow, Institute for Communication in Health Care (ICH), Australian National University
Dr. Sarah White, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Social Impact, New South Wales
Preventing Cognitive Errors in Diagnostic Reasoning
Facilitated by: Prof. Ian Scott, Consultant General Physician, Director of Internal Medicine and
Clinical Epidemiology, Princess Alexandra Hospital Brisbane
Co-facilitator: Jennifer Neil, Curriculum and Assessment Lead, Department of General Practice, Monash University
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm BREAK
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm COVID-19 and Diagnosis
Chaired by: Dr. Nicholas Szecket, Consultant, Auckland District Health Board & Dr. Peter Storey, Auckland District Health Board
Responding to Viral Pandemics; The Lessons from HIV and COVID
Bill Bowtell AO, Managing Director, Asia Pacific Applied Consulting
COVID-19 and Hospital Transmission
Marion Kainer, Head, Infectious Diseases, Western Health
From Point-of-Need Diagnostics to Real-Time Viral Genomics: The Laboratory During the COVID-19 Era
Prof. Dominic Dwyer, Medical Virologist, Director, NSWHP-Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research
Director of Public Health Pathology, New South Wales Health Pathology
Dr. Alistair Miller, Director of General Medicine and Respiratory Physician, Monash Medical Centre
Live Q&A Panel Discussion
5:00 pm - 5:15 pm Closing Remarks