Meet the 2022 DxQI Seed Grant Awardees
SIDM has issued the third grant round, totaling $3 million over three years, as part of the organization’s DxQI Seed Grant Program. Sixteen organizations will receive awards up to $50,000 to test interventions to improve the quality, accuracy, and timeliness of diagnoses.
Special Award Areas:
- With the additional support of The John A. Hartford Foundation, SIDM will award an “Age-Friendly Care” DxQI Seed Grant. The awardee will implement a project to improve diagnostic quality and safety for older adults. This work is vital because diagnostic error in older adults is common and errors frequently arise from contributing factors that are unique to this population, including polypharmacy, cognitive issues such as dementia, mobility limitations, and chronic illnesses.
DxQI Seed Grant Overview
Given the magnitude of diagnostic error burden, SIDM advocates for increased attention by health systems to improve the quality of their diagnostic processes. This goes beyond avoiding errors and includes consideration of accuracy, timeliness, cost, and patient convenience. Designing optimal diagnostic processes will require careful balancing among these competing demands. Given the dearth of solutions, we believe catalyzing a "bottom-up" approach, whereby frontline health professionals and patients are engaged in quality improvement to develop and test plausible solutions, will most likely produce the best outcomes.
Areas for Improvement
Over the course of three years, grants will be awarded in the following categories:
- The Big Three (see David Newman-Toker, et al. Serious misdiagnosis-related harms in malpractice claims: The “Big Three” – vascular events, infections, and cancers. Diagnosis 2019; 6(3): 227–240) 40% of awards
- Diagnostic Quality Disparities: Proposals that seek to reduce the risk of diagnostic error or delayed treatment and improve diagnostic quality outcomes related to health disparities associated with age, race/ethnicity, sex, and/or other social determinants of health. 40% of awards
SIDM strongly encourages organizations to submit proposals that address both areas of improvement: Big 3 and Diagnostic Quality Disparities.
- Open: Topics that do not address one of the previous two areas. Up to 20% of awards
Thank You to Our Grant Reiew Committee and Peer Judge Committee 2022
*Organizations are shown for identification purposes only.
Grant Review Committee 2022
Brian Mittman |
Carole Guinane |
Doug Salvador |
Gordy Schiff |
Jeff Brown |
Michael Friedman |
Roger Gildersleeve |
Sarah Sampsel |
Suz Schrandt |
Peer Judge Committee 2022
Claire Sachs |
Claudia Butler |
Dan Berg |
Desiree Collins-Bradley |
Divvy Uphadhyay |
Donna Saxton |
Gail Miller |
Gwen Mayes |
Harry Hoar |
Helen Haskell |
Ingrid Black |
Jana Rojas |
Karen Harris |
Karen Johnson |
Kirti Joshi |
Kristie Burnette |
Laura Evans |
Marie Jaffe |
Mike Lynch |
Nelson Toussaint |
Ramsey Abdallah |
Vonda Vaden-Bates |