SIDM Proud to Announce 2020-2021 Fellows in Diagnostic Excellence
The Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine (SIDM) welcomes seven individuals to this year’s Fellowship in Diagnostic Excellence program. The new Fellows will work on innovative projects focused on improving diagnostic quality and safety during the 2020-2021 academic year. The new SIDM Fellows are Justin Choi, MD, from Weill Cornell Medical College; Yasaman Fatemi, MD, from University of Pennsylvania; Ayodele McClenney, BSCE, JD, from Johns Hopkins University; Rajasekhara Mummadi, MD, from Northwest Permanente PC; Varun Phadke, MD, from Emory University; Lisa Schwartz, MD, MS, from NYU Langone; and Viralkumar Vaghani, MBBS, MPH, MS, from Baylor College of Medicine.
“We are thrilled to welcome the next class of future leaders in the fields of diagnostic quality and safety,” said Paul Bergl, MD, fellowship director and 2017 Fellow. “As a former Fellow, it has been gratifying to see the Fellowship in Diagnostic Excellence program evolve and continue to support researchers, educators, and others interested in improving the diagnostic process and innovating change.”
Since graduating from the program, SIDM Fellows have published more than 150 articles in peer-review publications. The Fellowship in Diagnostic Excellence is made possible, in part, with support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
“We are proud of the work of our current and past Fellows. The Fellowship program has helped scholars shape new research on diagnosis and diagnostic errors, which in turn has highlighted key opportunities for diagnostic improvement,” said Paul L. Epner, MBA, MEd, CEO of SIDM.
Each SIDM Fellow is assigned a personal mentor in their area of study who provides guidance and mentorship for their projects (on-site or remotely). The Fellows regularly participate in webinars and Journal Club sessions. Fellows conduct research and present their projects and participate at the annual Diagnostic Error in Medicine Conference and are encouraged to submit their work for review and publication in Diagnosis and other peer-reviewed journals. Applications for the 2021-2022 Fellowship program will open in the Fall.
Full biographies and descriptions of the new Fellows’ proposed projects can be found on the SIDM Fellowship webpage.
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