Diagnosis, the Journal

Diagnosis is the official peer-reviewed journal of the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine (SIDM). Published by De Gruyter, Diagnosis focuses on how diagnosis can be advanced, how it is taught, and how and why it can fail, leading to diagnostic errors.

Diagnosis JournalThe journal welcomes both fundamental and applied works, improvement initiatives, opinions, and debates to encourage new thinking on improving this critical aspect of healthcare quality.

SIDM has made this possible because Diagnosis shares our goal of encouraging new thinking on improving this critical aspect of healthcare quality by highlighting both fundamental and applied research, improvement initiatives, opinions, and debates.


  • Factors that promote diagnostic quality and safety
  • Clinical reasoning
  • Diagnostic errors in medicine
  • The factors that contribute to diagnostic error: human factors, cognitive issues, and system-related breakdowns
  • Improving the value of diagnosis – eliminating waste and unnecessary testing
  • How culture and removing blame promote awareness of diagnostic errors
  • Training and education related to clinical reasoning and diagnostic skills
  • Advances in laboratory testing and imaging that improve diagnostic capability
  • Local, national, and international initiatives to reduce diagnostic error

Members of the SIDM community have been involved with the journal since it was first published in 2014. SIDM founder and President Emeritus Mark L. Graber, MD, FACP, also serves as its co-editor-in-chief, with Professor Mario Plebani of the University of Padua, Italy.

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