#TeachDx Twitter Chat Series

Upcoming Topic: Teaching Diagnostic Excellence and High Value Care

Event Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Event Time: 8:00 pm CST/ 9:00 pm EST

Moderator: Andrew Olson (@andrewolsonmd)

Special Guest: Chris Moriates, MD (@ChrisMoriates)

Hashtag: #TeachDx


Q1: What are specific low-value diagnostic practices we should avoid? #TeachDx

Q2: What are specific high-value diagnostic practices we should ensure we practice and teach? #TeachDx

Q3: Many "movements" in health care and medical education are siloed and thus less effective than they could be. What are some specific situations where there is synergy between improving diagnosis and providing high value care? #TeachDx

Q4: What are some key areas for collaborative research between high value care and improving diagnosis? #TeachDx

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