Call for Workshops: 13th Annual Diagnostic Error in Medicine Conference
October 18-20, 2020 | Minneapolis, MN
Minneapolis Marriott City Center
The call for workshop submissions is now closed.
Join us in Minneapolis, MN for the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine (SIDM)'s 13th International Diagnostic Error in Medicine Conference (SIDM2020). This year's theme is: Transforming Education and Practice to Improve Diagnosis. We will come together to showcase developments in the field of diagnostic quality and safety, and focus on the unique role of education and practice improvement in diagnostic quality and safety as well as the latest developments in research and policy.
SIDM2020 brings together physicians, patients, nurses, other healthcare professionals, researchers, institutional leaders, policymakers, educators, students, and trainees to highlight and share recent innovations to improve the diagnostic process.
The SIDM2020 Program Planning Committee seeks submissions for high quality interactive conference workshops.
Submissions should contribute to and advance the field of diagnostic quality and be relevant to SIDM's Strategic Priorities. SIDM2020 is a self-accredited Patients Included conference and we are especially interested in innovative, patient-centered workshops that are co-developed and delivered with patients and patient advocates.
All accepted presenters will be required to register for SIDM2020; registration fees, travel, and lodging costs are NOT covered for presenters.
Thank you for your interest!
Notification of acceptance or rejections will be made in April.
Workshops will be 90 minutes, CME/CNE accredited, and focus on some aspect of diagnostic error or the diagnostic process. They must be highly interactive and provide participants with actionable knowledge or key takeaways. A maximum of four presenters per workshop are allowed.
Choose from the list of categories that your workshop best fits into:
- Research: Topics related to original diagnostic error research or innovative methods for examining diagnostic safety
- Education: Topics related to educational strategies to improve diagnosis; evaluations of novel educational programs are especially welcomed.
- Practice Improvement: Topics related to practice management, patient engagement, and/or use of health information technology
- Policy: Topics related to public policies that impact diagnosis
- Disparities: Topics related to how race, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic disparities, or other disparities may impact diagnosis
- Other: new and novel ideas that don't fit into the above tracks
Submission needs to include:
- A title, not to exceed 15 words
- 2-3 learning objectives
- A summary (250 words max) - An effective description clearly explains the key points, demonstrates value to the targeted audience, and piques the attendees’ interest by being informative, interactive, stimulating, and relevant
- A tentative agenda (150 words max), including your plan for making the workshop interactive
- A description of your target audience
- The proposed session is directly related to diagnostic safety and/or quality.
- The content will be interesting and relevant to SIDM’s audience; that is, it is new, not widely known, or is controversial within the field.
- The session is interactive.
- Presenter(s) have the appropriate expertise to meet session objectives.
- The session provides a solution or an action that others can replicate or build on; key take-aways are well described.
- The session addresses topics and outcomes that matter to the patient community.
- Patients and/or family members are engaged in developing the project or initiative that is being presented.
- This session is aligned with this year’s conference theme: Transforming Education, Improving Practice.
- The facilitator panel members represent diversity in professions, experiences, and demographics.
Contact SIDM at
Med-IQ is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Med-IQ is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
Key Deadlines
Workshop Submission Deadline: March 8, 2020, 11:59 p.m. EDT- Workshop Notifications: April 2020
- Call for Abstracts opens: April 2020
- Abstract Deadline: May 31, 2020, 11:59 p.m. EDT
- Abstract Notifications: July 2020
Call for Workshops Now Closed
The call for workshop submissions is now closed.