Situativity: Diagnosis in the Real World
By Susan Carr
Situativity, a group of related theories based in cognitive psychology, offers another way to address diagnostic error by reframing how we understand the cognitive process. A special, open access issue of Diagnosis explores different ways to apply situativity theory to teaching, improving and assessing diagnosis.
Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine Annual Conference Goes Virtual
The Society to improve Diagnosis in Medicine (SIDM) is hosting the Diagnostic Error in Medicine 13th Annual International Conference (SIDM2020) virtually on October 19-21, 2020. The theme of the conference is Transforming Education and Practice to Improve Diagnosis. Learn about the latest research and innovations to improve diagnostic quality and safety.
SIDM Releases New PFAC Guides
Last month, SIDM released two new guides for hospitals and health systems showcasing the power of Patient Family Advisory Councils (PFACs) to help drive change to improve diagnostic quality and safety. One guide is for hospital and health system leadership and the other is for PFAC members.
Did You Know?
Every nine minutes, someone in a U.S. hospital dies due to a medical diagnosis that was wrong or delayed. Your donation today will help us improve the accuracy and timeliness of diagnosis and continue our vision in creating a world where no patients are harmed by diagnostic error.