Working Together to Improve Diagnosis: Virtual Conference

Have you heard? The Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine (SIDM) is partnering with Constellation® and Iowa Healthcare Collaborative (IHC) to host Working Together to Improve Diagnosis, a virtual three half-days conference on May 25—27, 2021. We hope you’ll join us!

“Diagnostic error is the most common, most catastrophic, and most costly of all medical errors.  The experienced burden demands our collective attention.  SIDM is so appreciative of this opportunity to partner with leaders like Constellation and the Iowa Healthcare Collaborative in catalyzing awareness and engagement,” says Paul Epner, MBA, Med, SIDM Chief Executive Officer.

Why focus on the diagnostic process?

An analysis of Constellation medical professional liability (MPL) claims revealed that diagnostic errors are frequent, costly, and preventable. Constellation’s MPL claim analysis also found that diagnostic error is the #3 most frequent allegation and #1 most costly. The virtual conference will highlight the alarming impact diagnostic error has on patients, residents, care teams, and organizations. It will energize teams to identify opportunities for improving diagnostic processes in their own organizations by sharing best practices and successes from industry experts. Additionally, it will highlight the importance of communication when a harmful event does occur.


Keynote Presenters:

  • David Newman-Toker, MD, Ph.D., Director, Armstrong Institute Center for Diagnostic Excellence, Johns Hopkins Medicine
  • Suzanne Schrandt, JD, Senior Engagement Advisor, Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine
  • Thomas H. Gallagher, MD, Department of Medicine, University of Washington


National Presenters:

  • Dana Siegal, RN, CPHRM, CPPS, Director of Patient Safety, CRICO Strategies
  • Julia Prentice, Ph.D., Research Director, Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety
  • Timothy McDonald, MD, JD, Chief Patient Safety and Risk Officer at RLDatix, Institute for Quality and Safety and Professor of Law, Loyola University
  • Bruce Lambert, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Communication Studies, and Director, Center for Communication and Health, Northwestern University


Who should attend?

Executive leaders, physicians, administrators, patient safety/risk personnel, system engineers, quality leaders, and practice leaders from hospitals, clinics, senior living, and long-term care organizations. Due to financial constraints on healthcare organizations in the COVID-19 environment, Constellation is waiving the registration fee for the conference. Do you see a session that piques your interest? If you’re unable to attend the full, three half-days event, we welcome you to register for a single half-day or for two half-days.

In addition, conference participants will have the opportunity to join a new Collaborative dedicated to improving the diagnostic process—a year-long, virtual quality improvement group with a focus on reducing harm events and the subsequent financial burdens while supporting the implementation of new strategies and shared experiences. Learn more about the Collaborative.

“It wasn’t until we looked at our own [Constellation®] claim data, collectively, that we realized just how much of an impact we might make by not only raising awareness and focusing our efforts on diagnostic error but also how we might be a part of solving some of the contributing factors to its occurrence.” says Laurie C. Drill-Mellum, MD, MPH Chief Medical Officer, Constellation

About Constellation®

Constellation is a growing portfolio of medical professional liability insurance and partner companies working Together for the common good.® Formed in response to the ever-changing realities of health care, Constellation is dedicated to reducing risk and supporting physicians and care teams, thereby improving business results.


About Iowa Healthcare Collaborative

The Iowa Healthcare Collaborative (IHC) is a provider-led, patient-focused, nonprofit organization dedicated to sustainable healthcare transformation. Nationally recognized for achieving demonstrable and sustainable improvements across healthcare settings and disciplines, IHC placed those that deliver care in a leadership position to drive improvements and accelerate change. This mission is possible because of IHC’s unified approach to healthcare delivery and a strong vision for change.