Supporting Nurses as Essential Partners in Diagnosis
By Susan Carr
As the Institute of Medicine (IOM) anticipated in 2015, reframing diagnosis as a team-based process, with nurses included as essential partners, has been neither quick nor easy to accomplish. Now, 6 years after publication of the IOM’s Improving Diagnosis in Health Care, there has been progress, but nurses and other members of the care team continue to encounter barriers to being recognized as partners in the diagnostic process.
Moore Foundation Advances Work in Clinical Quality Measures to Improve Diagnosis
The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation has a mission to improve the experiences and outcomes of patient care. The foundation’s Diagnostic Excellence Initiative is focused on work to reduce harm from diagnostic errors and improve quality in diagnosis.
From the Field: Call for Workshops
SIDM recently issued a Call for Workshops for the conference where they are seeking high quality interactive workshops that provide conference attendees with actionable knowledge or key takeaways. The Call for Workshops closes April 6; a Call for Abstracts will be announced in mid-April.
Did You Know?
Every nine minutes, someone in a U.S. hospital dies due to a medical diagnosis that was wrong or delayed. Your donation today will help us improve the accuracy and timeliness of diagnosis and continue our vision in creating a world where no patients are harmed by diagnostic error.